Here is the start of the documentation of the brewing happenings! Yesterdays batch was the pilot study to try out the gear, get some time estimates, and plan for future bres. The goal? Partigyle: Imperial Stout and Pale Ale.


  • 9.0 kg marris otter
  • 0.5 kg caramel 70
  • 0.25 kg roast barley

  • 2.5 oz Chinook hops
  • 2.0 oz East Kent Golding’s.

  • White Labs’s California Ale Yeast



About 25l filtered water was heated to ~90C, and added to the the mash tun with 9kg marris otter. about .125 carmel70 and tiny amount of roasted barly was added for color. We used additional heated/chilled water to bring the final volume and temerature to 28.5l @ 62C. 40 minutes into the mash, we added near-boiling water to bring the volume and temperature up to 30l @ 66C. after 20 minutes, we pulled off ~ 17l of wort for the stout. Separately, we steeped the remaining caramel 70 and roast barley in ~3l water around 70C for 25 minutes. This was added to the stout, which was brought to a boil.

We heated 20l water to near-boiling to strike and sparge the mash. This was pulled off into a separate vessel and brough to a boil.

At the start of the boil, the resective gravities for the stout and the ale wer 1.050 and 1.042.


For the stout, we added 1.8oz East Kent Golding hop pellets at the start of the 60 minute boil. We reduced the volume to about 17 liters from the original 20l.

For the pale ale, we added 1.0 oz Chinook at the start of the 70 minute boil, and then added .2 oz EKG at -15 minutes and the remaining 1.5oz Chinook at the end of the boil.


Yeast starters had been prepared at the start of the brew (~4hours prior to pitching. We made two flasks, where in each we boiled ~ 25g of honey in 400 ml water, and added half of White Labs’s Pure Pitch California Ale yeast. The covered flasks were alternated on stir plate, and prior to pitching the yeast was seen to be active.

Started at 1:45pm; ended ~8:45pm Time elapsed: 7hr


Active bubbling was observed the next morning.