To analyse the Fecal Indicator Organism (FIO) levels under the effect of various treatments (10L/50mL vessels; pasteurised/unpasteurised; pre-pasteurisation; post-pasteurisation) we use piecewise linear regression to estimate the rate of FIO loss at two stages of fermentation: “early” and “late”. We pool the estimated parameters, assuming that each is drawn from a single distribution that applies to the bacterial family.
It would be natural to assume a smooth (rather than piecewise) exponential decay rate for FIO as fermentation progresses. Arguably, the choice of piecewise linear regression is mechanistically inappropriate, as it is unlikely that population change occurs in two distinct, linear phases. However, several features of the data lead us to use piecewise linear regression as a reasonable approximation to the measured change in population size for the purpose of identifying treatment effects in this study, despite it being an unlikely representation of the true biological mechanism.
By using piecewise linear regression with two regimes we approximate an early ‘loss’ regime, and late ‘equilibrium’ regime for the FIO population. While mechanistically far from ideal, we remain able to assess differences between: rate of FIO reduction (taking into account initial bacterial load); final bacterial load; and to what extent the bacterial population is at an equilibrium, for each treatment.
It would be possible to assume that the transition point between ‘early’ (loss) and ‘late’ (equilibrium) could occur at any timepoint. However, we assert a transition point at seven days, for the following reasons:
We fit the following piecewise linear model to the cleaned dataset for each bacterial group:
\[\hat{y} = \bigg \{ \begin{array}{cccl} m1_i x & + & c1_i & , \textrm{if } x <= 7 \\ m2_i x & + & c2_i & , \textrm{if } x > 7\end{array} \bigg \} + \epsilon \]
and \(m1_i\), \(c1_i\), \(m2_i\), and \(c2_i\) are values drawn from the following distributions:
We use the cleaned dataset in ../data/processed/aggregated_clean_summarized.csv, as described elsewhere in the Supplementary Information and manuscript, and make it suitable for analysis.
# Load the experimental data
data = read.table(datafile, header=TRUE, sep=",")
# Replicate labels should be factors, not integers
data$biorep = as.factor(data$biorep)
data$techrep = as.factor(data$techrep)
) data are removed, along with the non-indicator measurements:# Remove the feedstock data
data = data %>%
filter(treatment != "FS") %>%
filter(measure %in% c("Coliforms", "E. coli", "Enterococci")) %>%
: measurement timepointtreatment
: string describing the treatmentreplicate
: the replicate identifier for the measurement at that timepoint for that treatmentmeasurement
: identifier for the measurement (meaning is dependent on the vessel being measured - see manuscript for details)measure
: string describing what was measuredvalue
: the measured value# Rename techrep column
names(data) = c("day", "treatment", "replicate", "measurement", "measure", "value")
: a unique combination of timepoint, replicate and treatment to clarify the distinction between repeated measures and destructive sampling; this contains a unique value for each physically-measured vessel# Map the biorep column to a new column called vessel, where each vessel is a
# unique combination of timepoint, biorep, and treatment. This helps reflects which values are repeated measures over time, and which are the result of destructive sampling.
data = data %>%
mutate(vessel = paste(treatment, replicate, day, sep="_"))
# Set the chamber for the 10L treatments to be the biorep value
data[data$treatment == "10L",] = data %>%
filter(treatment == "10L") %>%
# Make the chamber column a factor
data$vessel = as.factor(data$vessel)
# Add "small" index (50ml vessel, applies to all P0-P4 treatments, not 10L)
# I'm going to rename this "small", just to avoid the confusion I experienced at first
data$small = !data$treatment %in% c("10L")
# Add index for each pasteurisation treatment
data$P1 = data$treatment == "P1"
data$P2 = data$treatment == "P2"
data$P3 = data$treatment == "P3"
data$P4 = data$treatment == "P4"
.# Replace bacterial measurement names
data$measure = data$measure %>%
str_replace("E. coli", "ecoli") %>%
str_replace("Enterococci", "enterococci") %>%
str_replace("Coliforms", "coliforms")
) with log-transformed bacterial count data. We expect the limit of detection to be approximately a count of 100, so we take any “undetected” value and raise it to half of the expected detection limit, before taking the log.# Convert bacterial counts to logs, and set zeroes to counts of '50' (below detection limit)
#data$logvalue = log10(pmax(data$value, 50))
data$logvalue = log10(ifelse(data$value < 100, 50, data$value))
A summary of the dataset is included below:
# Columnwise summary of data
## day treatment replicate measurement measure
## Min. : 0.00 10L:76 1:112 1:294 Length:329
## 1st Qu.: 0.00 P0 :51 2:108 2: 35 Class :character
## Median : 9.00 P1 :49 3:109 Mode :character
## Mean :11.85 P2 :51
## 3rd Qu.:21.00 P3 :51
## Max. :28.00 P4 :51
## value vessel small P1
## Min. : 0 1 : 26 Mode :logical Mode :logical
## 1st Qu.: 200 3 : 26 FALSE:76 FALSE:280
## Median : 700 2 : 24 TRUE :253 TRUE :49
## Mean : 337097 P0_1_0 : 6
## 3rd Qu.: 86500 P0_2_0 : 5
## Max. :3850000 P1_1_0 : 5
## (Other):237
## P2 P3 P4 logvalue
## Mode :logical Mode :logical Mode :logical Min. :1.699
## FALSE:278 FALSE:278 FALSE:278 1st Qu.:2.301
## TRUE :51 TRUE :51 TRUE :51 Median :2.845
## Mean :3.408
## 3rd Qu.:4.937
## Max. :6.585
We generate three subsets of the main dataset: one for each of the FIO groups:
coliform_data = data %>% filter(measure == "coliforms")
enterococci_data = data %>% filter(measure == "enterococci")
ecoli_data = data %>% filter(measure == "ecoli")
We fit each dataset to the model described above using STAN
. We define a single model in STAN
code that will be used for each dataset. This describes the following data to be input for each fit:
: the total number of datapoints (bacterial counts)Ntrt
: the total number of treatments we are consideringy
: a list of the bacterial counts at each timepointt
: the corresponding timepoints for each measurement y
: the corresponding treatments for each measurement y
and describes the model stated above in STAN
code (see ../models/pooled_indicator_LP.stan).
We first convert the coliform data into the appropriate format for the STAN
model as coliform_trt_stan_data
coliform_data$treatment = droplevels(coliform_data$treatment, "FS")
coliform_trt_stan_data = list(N = nrow(coliform_data),
y = coliform_data$logvalue,
t = coliform_data$day,
trt = as.integer(coliform_data$treatment),
Ntrt = nlevels(coliform_data$treatment))
Then call STAN
to fit the model, producing output in coliform_fit
coliform_fit = stan(file = "../models/pooled_indicator_LP.stan",
data = coliform_trt_stan_data,
iter = 4000,
chains = 4)
Once the model has been fit, we can inspect the fitted values:
summary_coliform = summary(coliform_fit, pars=c("m1", "c1", "m2", "c2",
"mu_m1", "sigma_m1", "mu_c1", "sigma_c1",
"mu_m2", "sigma_m2", "mu_c2", "sigma_c2"), probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
## mean se_mean sd 25% 75%
## m1[1] -0.538622140 0.0006183026 0.022063101 -0.553269029 -0.523840099
## m1[2] -0.515936250 0.0005853137 0.022844778 -0.531284659 -0.501064332
## m1[3] -0.533492709 0.0007208585 0.023034567 -0.548538951 -0.518652030
## m1[4] -0.490334148 0.0008258817 0.025023223 -0.507571946 -0.472543991
## m1[5] -0.656299042 0.0007241618 0.026872436 -0.674603791 -0.638388272
## m1[6] -0.583525277 0.0017685899 0.030064980 -0.604013846 -0.562320620
## c1[1] 6.223247492 0.0020869455 0.087609826 6.168818751 6.281555700
## c1[2] 6.355757484 0.0055615954 0.090515065 6.292821590 6.416084253
## c1[3] 6.342024061 0.0047784095 0.090902929 6.278646944 6.400121311
## c1[4] 6.336775484 0.0033019160 0.087131132 6.275629549 6.391310401
## c1[5] 6.338616063 0.0047971239 0.091982880 6.274668936 6.398363293
## c1[6] 5.944903751 0.0120587583 0.133946384 5.849581168 6.030296390
## m2[1] -0.014451074 0.0004614339 0.008006746 -0.019415766 -0.009100185
## m2[2] -0.006785323 0.0002423941 0.010001312 -0.013321667 -0.001687031
## m2[3] -0.013044534 0.0006140444 0.009389064 -0.018394323 -0.007208506
## m2[4] -0.011475389 0.0002227714 0.008719108 -0.016664344 -0.006037301
## m2[5] -0.012949579 0.0002980180 0.009619629 -0.018344674 -0.006737304
## m2[6] -0.010972930 0.0002452669 0.009416411 -0.016646351 -0.005288013
## c2[1] 2.821306810 0.0096744969 0.163234623 2.706420122 2.927747847
## c2[2] 2.931418858 0.0052977181 0.222987618 2.810933703 3.077158227
## c2[3] 3.024382750 0.0155277174 0.215839048 2.890937763 3.151608734
## c2[4] 3.175547683 0.0049754659 0.201157882 3.046480710 3.296725431
## c2[5] 2.052220611 0.0055590110 0.221460732 1.910989777 2.183394736
## c2[6] 1.947915905 0.0047035275 0.214763002 1.819533350 2.082668463
## mu_m1 -0.529690941 0.0011684313 0.031319192 -0.549081430 -0.512191457
## sigma_m1 0.052100130 0.0008316895 0.041039395 0.026843605 0.064788384
## mu_c1 6.303017616 0.0034811185 0.102451034 6.244493910 6.360178162
## sigma_c1 0.134830415 0.0071247559 0.152836003 0.051395496 0.169780956
## mu_m2 -0.011746162 0.0002574586 0.007468915 -0.016274278 -0.006967018
## sigma_m2 0.005859133 0.0001945276 0.007074991 0.001544283 0.007522596
## mu_c2 2.783067099 0.0089114979 0.340935206 2.598203344 2.996411169
## sigma_c2 0.540091565 0.0131965860 0.400705374 0.279914498 0.696353001
## n_eff Rhat
## m1[1] 1273.3005 1.006983
## m1[2] 1523.3390 1.000791
## m1[3] 1021.0808 1.002212
## m1[4] 918.0172 1.004187
## m1[5] 1377.0283 1.003325
## m1[6] 288.9799 1.013845
## c1[1] 1762.3146 1.003142
## c1[2] 264.8762 1.013695
## c1[3] 361.9004 1.009782
## c1[4] 696.3293 1.006548
## c1[5] 367.6649 1.011238
## c1[6] 123.3834 1.032306
## m2[1] 301.0877 1.015906
## m2[2] 1702.4330 1.004788
## m2[3] 233.8003 1.019394
## m2[4] 1531.8821 1.003512
## m2[5] 1041.9136 1.003686
## m2[6] 1473.9844 1.005445
## c2[1] 284.6871 1.017336
## c2[2] 1771.6740 1.004331
## c2[3] 193.2168 1.022675
## c2[4] 1634.5816 1.000503
## c2[5] 1587.0784 1.001387
## c2[6] 2084.8344 1.001820
## mu_m1 718.4801 1.004462
## sigma_m1 2434.8907 1.000955
## mu_c1 866.1540 1.005788
## sigma_c1 460.1626 1.001627
## mu_m2 841.5894 1.011672
## sigma_m2 1322.7847 1.003240
## mu_c2 1463.6670 1.003346
## sigma_c2 921.9920 1.003666
This can be visualised graphically, showing 80% (red, filled area) and 95% (distribution ends) CIs:
# Plot the early stage slopes
plot(coliform_fit, pars=c("m1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the early stage intercepts
plot(coliform_fit, pars=c("c1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage slopes
plot(coliform_fit, pars=c("m2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage intercepts
plot(coliform_fit, pars=c("c2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
We first convert the E. coli data into the appropriate format for the STAN
model as ecoli_trt_stan_data
ecoli_data$treatment = droplevels(ecoli_data$treatment, "FS")
ecoli_trt_stan_data = list(N = nrow(ecoli_data),
y = ecoli_data$logvalue,
t = ecoli_data$day,
trt = as.integer(ecoli_data$treatment),
Ntrt = nlevels(ecoli_data$treatment))
We call STAN to fit the model, storing the result in ecoli_fit:
ecoli_fit = stan(file = "../models/pooled_indicator_LP.stan",
data = ecoli_trt_stan_data,
iter = 4000,
chains = 4)
We again inspect the fitted values:
summary_ecoli = summary(ecoli_fit,
pars=c("m1", "c1", "m2", "c2",
"mu_m1", "sigma_m1", "mu_c1", "sigma_c1",
"mu_m2", "sigma_m2", "mu_c2", "sigma_c2"),
probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
## mean se_mean sd 25% 75%
## m1[1] -0.510556575 0.0003913658 0.02532992 -0.527440165 -0.493557566
## m1[2] -0.481374091 0.0004521828 0.02673520 -0.499580423 -0.463577819
## m1[3] -0.445109444 0.0004531668 0.02893628 -0.464981074 -0.425482610
## m1[4] -0.361636735 0.0005170796 0.02884568 -0.381014240 -0.342541736
## m1[5] -0.635653166 0.0006735025 0.02880730 -0.655275031 -0.615654888
## m1[6] -0.566647097 0.0004328783 0.02807280 -0.584919635 -0.548460933
## c1[1] 5.922972071 0.0018573980 0.11012005 5.852246365 5.999022948
## c1[2] 5.947582457 0.0022891363 0.11569067 5.869246084 6.025352230
## c1[3] 4.993686617 0.0022403884 0.13651749 4.902291563 5.085807286
## c1[4] 4.906299543 0.0017780219 0.11339313 4.828473655 4.982087912
## c1[5] 6.187606151 0.0017237364 0.11611116 6.108017470 6.269568730
## c1[6] 5.804690390 0.0021306217 0.11229092 5.727609242 5.879881284
## m2[1] -0.037026169 0.0004748342 0.01340107 -0.046464179 -0.027451279
## m2[2] -0.013194676 0.0002138076 0.01109790 -0.020207550 -0.005868108
## m2[3] -0.014130327 0.0002428642 0.01062554 -0.021104315 -0.007349750
## m2[4] -0.008767309 0.0002802369 0.01154569 -0.016738311 -0.001862780
## m2[5] -0.013481098 0.0002516803 0.01121188 -0.021199589 -0.006149645
## m2[6] -0.013360509 0.0002444195 0.01174745 -0.021085859 -0.005952481
## c2[1] 2.875956877 0.0071838981 0.25265949 2.699834557 3.052010430
## c2[2] 2.701025397 0.0046603255 0.24748509 2.536052698 2.860705457
## c2[3] 2.394293394 0.0051202847 0.23446902 2.239980504 2.545730643
## c2[4] 2.355873510 0.0060901366 0.25295326 2.194696493 2.534237761
## c2[5] 2.002688914 0.0055458224 0.25337415 1.837422386 2.177743915
## c2[6] 1.999529908 0.0054226880 0.26612157 1.827559972 2.174140525
## mu_m1 -0.479412207 0.0007494363 0.04815333 -0.510505920 -0.450926257
## sigma_m1 0.097053819 0.0016145893 0.07284897 0.053114086 0.117666351
## mu_c1 5.777840671 0.0067144857 0.32844875 5.622759530 5.966049784
## sigma_c1 0.531515389 0.0093659891 0.41765738 0.270062969 0.658513431
## mu_m2 -0.014410829 0.0002499299 0.01001374 -0.020861351 -0.008001434
## sigma_m2 0.010206578 0.0002455893 0.01018128 0.003638571 0.013221948
## mu_c2 2.377245669 0.0053283061 0.29005722 2.198674222 2.559641083
## sigma_c2 0.404703275 0.0060810470 0.34503914 0.195805504 0.513957789
## n_eff Rhat
## m1[1] 4188.9174 1.0008363
## m1[2] 3495.7377 1.0007217
## m1[3] 4077.2693 1.0004043
## m1[4] 3112.0510 1.0015605
## m1[5] 1829.4758 1.0017150
## m1[6] 4205.7152 1.0005841
## c1[1] 3514.9798 1.0015875
## c1[2] 2554.1908 1.0021964
## c1[3] 3713.0427 1.0011949
## c1[4] 4067.2354 1.0004656
## c1[5] 4537.3910 1.0007945
## c1[6] 2777.6443 1.0002073
## m2[1] 796.5163 1.0068766
## m2[2] 2694.2342 1.0023375
## m2[3] 1914.1445 1.0014926
## m2[4] 1697.4180 1.0019176
## m2[5] 1984.5350 1.0020436
## m2[6] 2310.0181 1.0010603
## c2[1] 1236.9464 1.0048877
## c2[2] 2820.1069 1.0016184
## c2[3] 2096.9243 1.0016087
## c2[4] 1725.1486 1.0012178
## c2[5] 2087.3375 1.0015346
## c2[6] 2408.4128 1.0010976
## mu_m1 4128.4129 1.0002544
## sigma_m1 2035.7419 1.0017665
## mu_c1 2392.8183 1.0003689
## sigma_c1 1988.5340 1.0009751
## mu_m2 1605.2997 1.0021439
## sigma_m2 1718.6449 1.0040638
## mu_c2 2963.3914 1.0012429
## sigma_c2 3219.4375 0.9999462
basic_fit_plots(fit=ecoli_fit, condition_names = ecoli_data$treatment, ignored_params = c("lp__", "y_hat", grep("mu", ecoli_fit@model_pars, value = T), grep("sigma", ecoli_fit@model_pars, value = T)))
## [1] "making plot 1 of 4"
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## [1] "making plot 2 of 4"
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## [1] "making plot 3 of 4"
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## [1] "making plot 4 of 4"
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which
## will replace the existing scale.
# Plot the early stage slopes
plot(ecoli_fit, pars=c("m1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the early stage intercepts
plot(ecoli_fit, pars=c("c1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage slopes
plot(ecoli_fit, pars=c("m2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage intercepts
plot(ecoli_fit, pars=c("c2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
We convert the Enterococci data for the STAN
model as enterococci_trt_stan_data
enterococci_data$treatment = droplevels(enterococci_data$treatment, "FS")
enterococci_trt_stan_data = list(N = nrow(enterococci_data),
y = enterococci_data$logvalue,
t = enterococci_data$day,
trt = as.integer(enterococci_data$treatment),
Ntrt = nlevels(enterococci_data$treatment))
We call STAN to fit the model, storing the result in ecoli_fit:
enterococci_fit = stan(file = "../models/pooled_indicator_LP.stan",
data = enterococci_trt_stan_data,
iter = 4000,
chains = 4)
We again inspect the fitted values:
summary_enterococci = summary(enterococci_fit, pars=c("m1", "c1", "m2", "c2",
"mu_m1", "sigma_m1", "mu_c1", "sigma_c1",
"mu_m2", "sigma_m2", "mu_c2", "sigma_c2"), probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
## mean se_mean sd 25% 75%
## m1[1] -0.281344262 0.0005728545 0.023538817 -0.297203935 -0.265354282
## m1[2] -0.270136431 0.0007756025 0.028068005 -0.289579435 -0.251512035
## m1[3] -0.287942826 0.0007777311 0.028056960 -0.305986947 -0.270834705
## m1[4] -0.278660120 0.0006257326 0.026985185 -0.297307035 -0.261465893
## m1[5] -0.361698485 0.0007724236 0.033754585 -0.384615845 -0.338840314
## m1[6] -0.321057506 0.0006325509 0.028959412 -0.339979906 -0.301063735
## c1[1] 5.086841137 0.0021152516 0.087022030 5.028607759 5.142883286
## c1[2] 5.118927661 0.0027262618 0.110062692 5.044940413 5.184305885
## c1[3] 4.991043121 0.0036229274 0.136035714 4.917407370 5.083471737
## c1[4] 5.068472139 0.0027486149 0.106672084 5.004770690 5.134062726
## c1[5] 5.069769634 0.0027022986 0.110973615 5.004636373 5.138153293
## c1[6] 5.093735484 0.0027695099 0.110399728 5.021393133 5.157349186
## m2[1] -0.052135015 0.0003124614 0.010355567 -0.058309880 -0.045319309
## m2[2] -0.053904946 0.0003629130 0.011691357 -0.060122459 -0.046208362
## m2[3] -0.052175207 0.0002831769 0.009717227 -0.058384361 -0.045912647
## m2[4] -0.050178851 0.0002941799 0.009764337 -0.056545548 -0.044107964
## m2[5] -0.051774252 0.0002737027 0.010451366 -0.058261597 -0.045621893
## m2[6] -0.048988818 0.0003314735 0.011570556 -0.056555336 -0.043081949
## c2[1] 3.911131575 0.0072128932 0.238877535 3.752137261 4.053524880
## c2[2] 3.989394404 0.0085153116 0.272057513 3.807359357 4.137205762
## c2[3] 3.736027367 0.0063023549 0.217914938 3.596411218 3.876363825
## c2[4] 3.815496989 0.0066956031 0.219532563 3.672494385 3.960022742
## c2[5] 3.508666383 0.0062436442 0.243374586 3.365736302 3.667866112
## c2[6] 3.544508711 0.0079051413 0.270125916 3.400039993 3.722971626
## mu_m1 -0.298833755 0.0008366874 0.027840963 -0.313444839 -0.281313108
## sigma_m1 0.036671185 0.0007722946 0.034717437 0.015022104 0.047287810
## mu_c1 5.075148920 0.0024130327 0.089189334 5.016838567 5.131553590
## sigma_c1 0.072607996 0.0022674952 0.080673112 0.020918117 0.093644191
## mu_m2 -0.051451051 0.0002684489 0.008892604 -0.057297518 -0.045742911
## sigma_m2 0.005288959 0.0001804567 0.006556395 0.001440616 0.006557658
## mu_c2 3.759578339 0.0063630018 0.227262506 3.616276648 3.901997848
## sigma_c2 0.227832877 0.0068178952 0.230712721 0.088555057 0.288552293
## n_eff Rhat
## m1[1] 1688.420 1.004024
## m1[2] 1309.618 1.002537
## m1[3] 1301.434 1.002709
## m1[4] 1859.830 1.001608
## m1[5] 1909.653 1.001452
## m1[6] 2095.987 1.000927
## c1[1] 1692.522 1.002753
## c1[2] 1629.841 1.003384
## c1[3] 1409.895 1.003340
## c1[4] 1506.169 1.003729
## c1[5] 1686.447 1.001258
## c1[6] 1589.023 1.003158
## m2[1] 1098.386 1.001541
## m2[2] 1037.827 1.000816
## m2[3] 1177.522 1.000260
## m2[4] 1101.691 1.000174
## m2[5] 1458.102 1.000115
## m2[6] 1218.459 1.000715
## c2[1] 1096.811 1.001677
## c2[2] 1020.752 1.000997
## c2[3] 1195.552 1.000815
## c2[4] 1075.025 1.000257
## c2[5] 1519.407 1.000819
## c2[6] 1167.651 1.001539
## mu_m1 1107.241 1.002433
## sigma_m1 2020.828 1.001438
## mu_c1 1366.153 1.003081
## sigma_c1 1265.799 1.002471
## mu_m2 1097.324 1.000144
## sigma_m2 1320.031 1.001940
## mu_c2 1275.650 1.001105
## sigma_c2 1145.097 1.001738
# Plot the early stage slopes
plot(enterococci_fit, pars=c("m1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the early stage intercepts
plot(enterococci_fit, pars=c("c1"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage slopes
plot(enterococci_fit, pars=c("m2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# Plot the late stage intercepts
plot(enterococci_fit, pars=c("c2"), show_density=TRUE)
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
As a reminder, we have two main research questions:
Lets start by looking at the combined results for the first phase (day 0 to day 7):
for (param in c("m1", "c1")){
plot_all_fits(fits = c("E. coli" = ecoli_fit,
"Enterococci" = enterococci_fit,
"Coliforms" = coliform_fit),
condition_names = ecoli_data$treatment)
From these figures, we can make a few assertions about this initial phase.
From this, we can confirm that there is no difference in die-off between the 50ml batches and the 10L lab-scale bioreactors. Pre and Post-pasteurization does not effect all FIO equally; pre-pasteurization appears to effect initial E. coli counts negatively, though the rate of decline is ok; Enterococci and Coliforms are unaffected by pre-pasteurization. Post-pasteurization condition P3 shows statistically decreased rate of E. coli and Coliform die-off.
Now lets plot the results for the late stage, from day 7 - day 28
for (param in c("m2", "c2")){
plot_all_fits(fits = c("E. coli" = ecoli_fit,
"Enterococci" = enterococci_fit,
"Coliforms" = coliform_fit),
condition_names = ecoli_data$treatment)
We can conclude the following: